United Nations – Seeing the human stories behind the data.

Founded in 1945, the United Nations (UN) is an international organisation made up of 193 Member States. Its work is guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter. The United Nations Environmental Programme promotes understanding and increases public knowledge about environmental factors and their impact. An important aspect of the UN’s work is to translate their extensive data into meaningful, easily absorbed and human stories, which can be disseminated to organisations and citizens worldwide. The aim is to stimulate discussion and affect change.
Our team developed a dynamic application that pulled United Nations content into a PufferTouch in real time. Simply by touching the screen users could interact with the rich array of content. Detailed visualisations and video explained the UN’s work in a wider context and detailed human stories behind each of the key topics.

Research has shown that the using spherical displays can communicate complex information in a simpler way. Spheres also provide a unique approach to data exploration and enable viewers from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds to better identify patterns and correlations together – without speaking the same language. The PufferTouch, the world’s leading touch-enabled spherical display, takes accessibility to a higher level and stands out from the rest. Sharing human stories unlike any other technology.