Power in Your Hands: How Empowering Customers Builds a Long-Term Bond – Corporate
Power in Your Hands: How Empowering Customers Builds a Long-Term Bond
From Business Development Manager for Corporate Ethan Campbell
When communicating new information to a customer or other stakeholder, a fine level of control over the presentation and delivery is vital to ensure the message is accurate and a natural fit with your brand. With an ever-expanding range of digital creation tools at your disposal, it makes sense to opt for the solution that gives you the greatest ownership and control over the output.
Read on to discover how Pufferfish not only provides a unique way to present your message on our market-leading spherical displays, but ensures you have the utmost control over the content displayed.
At Pufferfish, we’ve built our products, software and services around the concept of customer empowerment. Confident that they have robust hardware and software at their disposal, our customers feel in control of their experience and have the ability to tailor the solution to their specific needs. We’ve developed strong partnerships with our clients through building something special together, and they’ve come away with a real sense of investment in the success of the output.
Greater ownership of the creative process can give you the opportunity to trial alternative messaging, and innovative ways to present your message, before sharing with the rest of your team. Consider it a professional sandbox, where you can let your creativity loose, experiment and refine, safe in the knowledge that you are the one in control. Time can be saved, by reducing the need to involve other members of your team to realise your vision, and expenses can be reduced for smaller organisations by reducing the need to hire specialist support. Crucially, when you’re the one in the metaphorical driving seat, you can quickly amend any mistakes as they are identified, and update information as you receive it.
As an example of how our customers are empowered to create, there is none more apt than our user-friendly content development tool PufferBuild. Unique to Pufferfish, PufferBuild can be used to build and deploy an application from scratch for our touch-enabled spherical displays, the PufferTouch and the PufferHemi, without writing any code; everything is done through a graphical user interface. Customers are not just getting a product, but a whole platform for creativity and self-expression.
Digital content creation tools have become so ubiquitous that this level of control has become expected among our client base. Take photo-editing for example: Once the domain of digital creatives and tech enthusiasts, these tools have become so easy to use that we rarely share a photo without some form of editing. This is what our customers have come to expect, and PufferBuild allows users with all levels of technical expertise to build something they can be proud of, to a professional standard, and which delivers the particular message in the manner they intend.
PufferBuild is designed to be run primarily on a PC, with an occasional network connection to the PufferTouch or the PufferHemi required for testing and deployment. It comes complete with a package of content options to spark the imagination, allowing the creation of engaging applications in a short space of time. The tool also supports the import of creative assets to build an entirely bespoke application as dynamic and distinctive as the brand itself. We’re continually evolving the content on offer, and add-on modules, such as a flight tracker and live weather visualisation, are available to further customise the experience. By offering a wide range of constructive add-ons, Pufferfish aims to save our clients the time and expense involved in accessing this data and building the modules independently.
The usage numbers for PufferBuild reflect an increasing appetite among our clients to take control of their content and build their own apps. Our PufferBuild self-build software is becoming more and more popular, and a whopping 81% of the total apps created to run on Pufferfish spherical displays during the last financial year were designed using PufferBuild .
By empowering customers to create their own content, we’re enabling them to tell their own unique stories and communicate their messages in the way they know resonates with their specific audiences. This level of personalisation is essential in today’s market, where consumers are increasingly seeking out brands that align with their values and speak directly to their needs.
Though we do offer custom content services for clients with specific requirements, our self-build software PufferBuild offers the ideal tools for clients who want a high level of control over the output, or for those with evolving needs. Access to PufferBuild is unlocked with every purchase of the PufferTouch or PufferHemi, for the duration of the warranty.
Empowering customers isn’t just about creativity of content. We also strive to ensure our hardware is as flexible and intuitive as possible. Our new modular enclosure design is a testament to this principle. By allowing clients to switch between different display sizes and models (for example, between a PufferHemi and a PufferTouch), we’re giving them the freedom to adapt their spherical display solution to suit their current needs. This level of versatility ensures that our products remain relevant and valuable to our customers over the long term, reducing the overall investment they need to make in the solution.
Our commitment to empowering the customer now extends to among our very first interactions. Our digital concierge, which can be accessed through any page on the Pufferfish website, offers our customers a personalised experience whenever they visit our website. Our digital concierge engages them in conversation about their needs and takes them straight to the relevant information. Through interaction with our digital concierge, visitors to our website can forge their own path through the website, one that is tailored to their unique requirements and preferences.
At Pufferfish, we have some wonderful, long-term relationships with our clients, who can rely on our products to deliver a well-fitting solution to their evolving needs. This has been achieved by providing our clients firstly with a foundation of robust hardware and software they can trust, but also with the tools, flexibility and support they need to bring their visions to life. We’re not just selling hardware, we’re fostering a community of passionate, engaged creators who see Pufferfish technology as integral to their continued success. That is the power of empowerment, and it’s a philosophy that drives everything we do here at Pufferfish.
If you’re looking for a digital content experience that puts control in your hands, then as the dedicated business development manager for the corporate sector at Pufferfish, I’d be glad to have a conversation about how we can start your journey in spherical display technology.